Product & Service Guarantee

Phone: 1-800-733-6695
If there are ANY problems with your order please call us as soon as you receive your package, no later than 5 days after package was delivered. After 5 days nothing can be done.
If your order was delivered correctly we will not refund your shipping & handling fees.
If your order is a personal or a gift please check the address & zip that you would like this to be sent to...If you put this in wrong there is a $10.00 address correction fee.
We select the best way to ship your order..we charge by the exact price that is specified by Fed Ex, UPS, USPS or Speedee plus a $6.95 handling fee. (this includes the styrofoam box, cold packs and chips)
Bavaria Sausage is well known for their fine quality sausage.. but we will not refund your money if the taste is not what you were excepting.
Bavaria Sausage is not responsible for weather related delays.
Not responsible for package that was left at your door and customer did not check or the package was stolen. Also if you sent a gift and the giftee was not at home and the items spoiled or were stolen we will not take responsibility.
Magazines and all books are non-refundable.
Always feel free to call if there is any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss with us.